In my last post I asked "Where Now Occupy?". Well Hurricane Sandy has provided us the answer. Yes, as Mr Eisenstein for one, suggested, they are rolling up their sleeves and getting active. And there's certainly plenty to help with, judging by the pictures coming back from across the pond. But how timely that, after another interminable US presidential election, during which the words "Climate Change" were noticeably absent from the mainstream media, on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as the mouths of the 2 "chosen" candidates, some commentators are finally having to utter those dangerous words- could Sandy have something to do with us- humans??
And another response that Sandy has generated comes from that growing body of humanity that is getting increasingly angry at the inaction and downright stupidity of our leaders. Many of us I imagine would share the feelings expressed by Reverend Billy
And Rebecca Solnit expresses a similar sense of pent-up anger and frustration
But ultimately, despite the anger, frustration and sense of impotence, our default state will continue to be the natural response we have in the face of the suffering of fellow humans, of our animal friends and of the planet. Thats no doubt what drew me recently to Taunton Magistrates Court in moral support of one of several campaigners arrested for cutting through the perimeter fence of Hinkley power station. Faced with the bleak forces of our legal system, it brings into sharp perspective the price that protesters at the sharp end of the movement, pay for their actions.
And the ubiquity of these scenarios is plain for all to see. The peasant's movement, La Via Campesina, presents ample evidence of the struggle of common people against the forces of globalisation. Typical of these campaigns is the ongoing fight of local people in Rosia Montana, Transylvania, Romania.
So, whether its Occupy Wall St, the campaign against Hinkley C or the people of Rosia Montana, we all share a common goal- to save our villages, our environment, our world from the depradations of those motivated more by greed than they are by their innate humanity.